Xinghui Li

I am a final year DPhil Student at Active Vision Lab in University of Oxford. I am supervised by Professor Victor Adrian Prisacariu. I took my undergraduate studies at University of Oxford as well and received Master of Engineering with First Class Honour.

My research interest includes image feature matching, camera visual localization and generative models.

I joined Meta as a research scientist intern starting from July 2024.

I am currently looking for full-time positions.

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Recent News

• Two papers accepted to ECCV 2024.

A survey on LLM in 3D vision is now on ArXiv.

• Two papers accepted to CVPR 2024.


RegionDrag: Fast Region-Based Image Editing with Diffusion Models
Jingyi Lu, Xinghui Li, Kai Han,
ECCV, 2024
project page / paper / code

A fast and versatile region-based image editing method.

GaussCtrl: Multi-View Consistent Text-Driven 3D Gaussian Splatting Editing
Jing Wu*, Jia-Wang Bian*, Xinghui Li, Guangrun Wang, Ian Reid, Philip Torr, Victor Adrian Prisacariu
ECCV, 2024
project page / paper / code

Text-driven multiview-consistent 3D Gaussian Splatting Editing through depth control and attention alignment.

When LLMs step into the 3D World: A Survey and Meta-Analysis of 3D Tasks via Multi-modal Large Language Models
Xianzheng Ma*, Yash Bhalgat*, Brandon Smart*, Shuai Chen, Xinghui Li, Jian Ding, Jindong Gu, Dave Zhenyu Chen, Songyou Peng, Jia-Wang Bian, Philip Torr, Marc Pollefeys, Matthias Nießner, Ian Reid, Angel X. Chang, Iro Laina, Victor Adrian Prisacariu
ArXiv, 2024
project page / paper

A survey paper that provides a comprehensive overview of the methodologies enabling LLMs to process, understand, and generate 3D data.

Neural Refinement for Absolute Pose Regression with Feature Synthesis
Shuai Chen, Yash Bhalgat, Xinghui Li, Jiawang Bian, Kejie Li, Zirui Wang, Victor Adrian Prisacariu
CVPR, 2024
project page / paper / code / author bios

A post-process for refining generic APRs using neural feature fields.

SD4Match: Learning to Prompt Stable Diffusion Model for Semantic Matching
Xinghui Li, Jingyi Lu, Kai Han, Victor Adrian Prisacariu
CVPR, 2024
project page / paper / code

Enhancing the discriminative power of Stable Diffusion on semantic matching by prompt tuning.

DualRC: A Dual-Resolution Learning Framework With Neighbourhood Consensus for Visual Correspondences
Xinghui Li, Kai Han, Shuda Li, Victor Adrian Prisacariu
TPAMI, 2023
paper / code

A flexible framework to learn both geometric and semantic matching.

SimSC: A Simple Framework for Semantic Correspondence with Temperature Learning
Xinghui Li, Kai Han, Xingchen Wan, Victor Adrian Prisacariu
ArXiv, 2023

A simple temperature learning framework that enables accurate semantic matching using feature backbone only.

DFNet: Enhance Absolute Pose Regression with Direct Feature Matching
Shuai Chen, Xinghui Li, Zirui Wang, Victor Adrian Prisacariu
ECCV, 2022
project page / paper / code

Leveraging luma-prior NeRF and direct feature matching to enhance 6-DoF camera pose regression approaches.

Disentangling 3D Attributes from a Single 2D Image: Human Pose, Shape and Garment
Xue Hu*, Xinghui Li*, Benjamin Busam, Yiren Zhou, Ales Leonardis, Shanxin Yuan
BMVC, 2022

A 2D-to-3D disentanglment framework that learn pose, shape and garment attributes of a dressed human.

Dual-Resolution Correspondence Networks
Xinghui Li, Kai Han, Shuda Li, Victor Adrian Prisacariu
NeurIPS, 2020
project page / paper / code

A dual-resolution network that adapts 4D neighbourhood consensus filtering to high-resolution images.

Academic Services

Conference Reviewer: CVPR 2023, 2024; ICCV 2023; ECCV 2024; NeurIPS 2024; AAAI 2023, 2024

Journal Reviewer: TIP 2023, 2024

Website template borrowed from Jon Barron.